Support TJ Students by Attending the TJ RPM Auction
Join us for the 13th Annual Thomas Jefferson Raider Parent Movement Auction!
Purchase your tickets online by clicking here.
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Thomas Jefferson High School Raider Parent Movement
To build an effective partnership with Thomas Jefferson parents, guardians, relatives, staff members, students, and alumni to advance the well being of the school and the community it serves.
A 4A School Deserves 4A Support from You!
The Raider Parent Movement supports all students by supporting the 4A’s:
- Academics
- Athletics
- Activities
- Arts
At RPM, we see a future where Thomas Jefferson High School is recognized as one of the premier schools in the northwest. We envision a future with a tradition of excellence, driven by a partnership among parents, staff, and students, and a future where the Raider Parent Movement (RPM) is recognized in the TJ community as…
- Excited parents who work with the staff and students to make great things happen.
- The primary group for parent and staff involvement.
- The source of parent and staff cooperation.
- TJ’s most effective fundraising group.
- The driving force at TJ for a brighter future.
Download the RPM Membership Form here: .doc or .pdf
The Thomas Jefferson Raider Parent Movement is a Non-Profit organization that has been granted official tax-exempt status by the United States Internal Revenue Service under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, donations to Thomas Jefferson RPM are tax-exempt to the extent allowed by law. We encourage you to make additional donations to support Academics, Athletics, Arts, and Activities at TJ. Please make checks payable to “Thomas Jefferson RPM.”